Home / Music software / Sibelius - music notation software

Sibelius - music notation software

See Sibelius.

Text 'new' I don't understand why, but at the time I'm writing this, it's cheaper to buy Sibelius from Musician's Friend (see below) than directly from Sibelius. Compare yourself because it's your money.

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Text 'new' Free Lecture Notes zu Sibelius 5 in German by Robert Wolff.

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At Musician's Friend, USA:

Sibelius 5 Professional Edition Notation Software

Sibelius 5 Professional Edition Notation Software

Sibelius 5 is the essential software for writing, playing, printing, and publishing music notation. It will keep you inspired and help you take your ideas even further. Whatever your musical style, Sibelius 5 music notation software makes writing scores a breeze-giving you more time to focus on the music.Stunning features like Panorama mean you don't need to think about pages while you're composing or arranging. You can just let your creativity flow. Ideas Hub is a real first for music software. It lets you instantly capture your musical ideas, and then find them again in a second-so you'll never lose another idea. Plus new, high-quality, built-in sounds play back your scores with astounding realism, because there's no better way to perfect your music than by hearing it. You can create audio files which can be converted to MP3s or burned to CD, produce instrumental parts effortlessly, compose for video, sell your music online and do hundreds of other things you might never have dreamed of.Write and refine music easily Sibelius 5 software is so easy to learn and use that you can start writing your first piece within minutes- not days! Discover the joys of writing music with a program that's simple and intuitive. And, of course, being able to change your music in the blink of an eye-no more rubbing out.Hear your music The easiest way to perfect your music is by hearing it. Just click the play button in Sibelius to hear your music performed with surprising realism, thanks to the built-in Sibelius Sounds Essentials library. Sibelius reads, understands, and plays back all standard markings, and you can buy extra sound libraries for choral music, world music, and more.See your music, panoramically Panorama offers a clear, wide view of music that enables faster composition, easier revisions and, in education, clearer analysis of entire pieces. Instead of being chopped up into systems and pages, the music is shown in a single, infinitely-wide strip-far easier to read and navigate around. Users can now just think about the notes, and forget about page layout until ready to print.Print beautiful scores The world's largest sheet music publishers use Sibelius to produce the music you see in the shops. Now you can create the same standard of print-out. And with Sibelius, it's just so easy.Instrumental parts that magically update Sibelius makes producing instrumental parts a joy. In fact, when you start your score, the parts are already there. You can flick between them using a simple drop-down. When you make a change to the full score, the relevant parts are automatically updated, and vice versa.Ideas hub Ideas are precious. That's why Sibelius 5 gives you the Ideas Hub-the easy way to capture, tag, find, and bring together your musical ideas. This is a first for any music software. Composers can quickly capture snippets of music they have written, tag them with keywords such as, 'violin', 'tremolo', 'minor'

See also

Sibelius 5 Educational Edition Notation Software

Sibelius 5 Notation Software Competitive Upgrade

Sibelius 5 Notation Software Five-User Lab Pack

Sibelius Notation Software Academic Edition Version 5 5-seat Lab Pack and Photoscore Ultimate

Sibelius Notation Software Professional Edition Version 5 and PhotoScore Ultimate

Sibelius Notation Software Academic Edition Version 5 and PhotoScore Ultimate

At Sheetmusicplus.com, USA:

Sibelius 5 Professional Edition Sibelius 5 Professional Edition

Platform: Windows, Mac OS 8, Mac OS 9, Mac OS X

Sibelius - music notation software exports...

Sibelius - music notation software exports Sibelius File Format

Sibelius File Format is read by

Sibelius - music notation software
Sibelius G7 Kontakt Edition - The ultimate tool for creative guitarists
Sibelius Scorch - browser plugin
Sibelius Student - music notation software for students

If something is missing or wrong, or if you just want to praise me, I'm glad about getting a mail from you.

Sibelius - music notation software imports...

Sibelius - music notation software imports NIFF

NIFF is written by

SmartScore Professional Edition - Precision music scanning & world-class scoring.
PhotoScore Ultimate Music Scanning
SmartScore Songbook Edition - Limit: 3 staves
SmartScore Piano Edition - Limits: 2 staves / no text or lyrics / no TAB or percussion.
SmartScore Guitar Edition - Limits: 1 staff / No text or lyrics / no TAB or percussion.
AudioScore - music to score and music notation
visiv SharpEye Music Reader
Lime Music Notation Software
Vivaldi Scan - Music OCR Software
Neume - Software For Music Education
DixShtix - Java Music Library

Sibelius - music notation software imports Enigma Transportable Format (ETF)

Enigma Transportable Format (ETF) is written by

Finale music notation program

Sibelius - music notation software imports The SCORE format

The SCORE format is written by

SipXML - MusicXML to Score converter
Humdrum to Score Bol Converter
EDITSCOR - a conditional editor of Score files
LJ - horizontal spacing system for use with Score
BEAM - a DOS box beam utility for SCORE
SipSib - reads Sibelius EPS and writes Score format
SCORE Music Publishing System

Sibelius - music notation software imports Sibelius File Format

Sibelius File Format is written by

Sibelius - music notation software
Sibelius G7 Kontakt Edition - The ultimate tool for creative guitarists
Sibelius Student - music notation software for students

Sibelius - music notation software imports MusicXML (.mxl, .xml)

MusicXML (.mxl, .xml) is written by

Capella music notation software
Capella-scan: scan sheet music and text
SmartScore Professional Edition - Precision music scanning & world-class scoring.
PhotoScore Ultimate Music Scanning
Finale music notation program
Finale Allegro music notation program
Finale PrintMusic music notation program
Finale NotePad music notation program
Notation Composer - music notation software
Progression - Music Software for Guitar
Notion - Music Notation Software
Guitar Pro OS X - tablature editor
Guitar Pro - tablature editor
Guitar Pro Linux - tablature editor
Harmony Assistant - music composition and notation editing.
PDFtoMusic Pro music scanner
SmartScore Songbook Edition - Limit: 3 staves
SmartScore Piano Edition - Limits: 2 staves / no text or lyrics / no TAB or percussion.
SmartScore Guitar Edition - Limits: 1 staff / No text or lyrics / no TAB or percussion.
AudioScore - music to score and music notation
Score Perfect Education
Score Perfect Professional
Score Perfect Standard
PriMus - Musiknotationsprogramm
PriMus Classic - Musiknotationsprogramm
Dolet for Finale - MusicXML Plugin
Finale Songwriter music notation program
Dolet for Sibelius - MusicXML plugin
visiv SharpEye Music Reader
Lime Music Notation Software
Rosegarden - audio and MIDI sequencer, score editor
Muscript - language for typesetting music
NoteEdit - free music score editor for Linux
Django tablature editor and composer
PowerTab Tools
MagicScore Maestro - Music Notation Software for Musicians
MagicScore Classic - Music Notation Software for Musicians
QuickScore Elite - Music Composition and Notation Software
GVOX Encore - music notation software
Obtiv Octava - music notation software
Forte - a notational, sequencing and recording software package
JMSL - Java Music Specification Language
MaxScore – music notation in Max/MSP
hum2xml - Humdrum kern to MusicXML converter
Impro-Visor - music notation software
capella wave kit - wave manipulation and wave to MIDI conversion
Freedots - MusicXML to Braille music notation converter
TuxGuitar - A Multitrack tablature editor and player
Speech Analyzer
ProxyMusic - MusicXML Java Library
Audiveris Music Scanner
NightXML - Translates MusicXML (timewise or partwise) files into Nightingale Notelist files and back
nwc2xml - converts Noteworthy Composer's file into MusicXML
CapToMusic - capella to MusicXML converter
GOODFEEL Braille Music Translator
SCOREMAKER - music scanning and notation program
TablEdit - Tablatures editor and standard notation editor
BUZZle - modular music composing and sequencing tool
Virtual Composer
The MusicXML Library (libmusicxml, C++)
Vivaldi Scan - Music OCR Software
SipScore2XML - Score to MusicXML converter
nl2xml - notelist to MusicXML Converter
middle C software toolkit - optical music recognition
TaBazar - a notation program for fretted instruments (like guitar, bass, banjo or mandolin) and percussion
capella Media Producer: organize and convert music files
Midinotate Composer

If something is missing or wrong, or if you just want to praise me, I'm glad about getting a mail from you.

Dolet for Sibelius - MusicXML plugin exports...

DoletSibelius exports MusicXML (.mxl, .xml)

MusicXML (.mxl, .xml) is read by

Capella playAlong
Capella music notation software
Capella 1200 music notation software
Finale music notation program
Finale Allegro music notation program
Finale PrintMusic music notation program
Finale NotePad music notation program
Finale Reader music notation program
Sibelius - music notation software
Progression - Music Software for Guitar
Notion - Music Notation Software
Personal Composer - music notation, MIDI, sequencing
Guitar Pro OS X - tablature editor
Guitar Pro - tablature editor
Guitar Pro Linux - tablature editor
Harmony Assistant - music composition and notation editing.
Melody Assistant
Myriad Music Plug-In - for web browsers
Score Perfect Education
Score Perfect Professional
Score Perfect Standard
PriMus - Musiknotationsprogramm
PriMus Classic - Musiknotationsprogramm
Dolet for Finale - MusicXML Plugin
Finale Songwriter music notation program
Dolet for Sibelius - MusicXML plugin
Sibelius Student - music notation software for students
Lime Music Notation Software
NoteEdit - free music score editor for Linux
Xenoage MusicXML Player
KlavarScript - klavar notation software
musicRAIN - music sheet viewer software
MagicScore Maestro - Music Notation Software for Musicians
MagicScore Classic - Music Notation Software for Musicians
QuickScore Elite - Music Composition and Notation Software
Overture 4 - music notation software
GVOX Encore - music notation software
Obtiv Octava - music notation software
Forte - a notational, sequencing and recording software package
NoteAbility Pro - a professional music notation package for the Macintosh OS-X operating system
NtEd - a musical score editor for Linux
noteflight - editing scores in the web browser
xml2hum - MusicXML to Humdrum kern converter
LilyPond - music notation program
scorio - editing scores in the web browser
Speech Analyzer
ProxyMusic - MusicXML Java Library
GLozart - piano visualization
NightXML - Translates MusicXML (timewise or partwise) files into Nightingale Notelist files and back
mxml2nwcc - converts MusicXML to Noteworthy
THoTH - assist in the learning of improvisation and comping
GOODFEEL Braille Music Translator
MusicEase - music notation software
MuseBook Score - an electronic score solution which automatically turns page for you!
TablEdit - Tablatures editor and standard notation editor
The MusicXML Library (libmusicxml, C++)
SipXML - MusicXML to Score converter
Turandot - score writing program
BarFly - integrated text editor/player/viewer for abc music files
Igor engraver for music notation
TaBazar - a notation program for fretted instruments (like guitar, bass, banjo or mandolin) and percussion
capella Media Producer: organize and convert music files

Dolet for Sibelius - MusicXML plugin imports...

DoletSibelius imports MusicXML (.mxl, .xml)

MusicXML (.mxl, .xml) is written by

Capella music notation software
Capella-scan: scan sheet music and text
SmartScore Professional Edition - Precision music scanning & world-class scoring.
PhotoScore Ultimate Music Scanning
Finale music notation program
Finale Allegro music notation program
Finale PrintMusic music notation program
Finale NotePad music notation program
Notation Composer - music notation software
Progression - Music Software for Guitar
Notion - Music Notation Software
Guitar Pro OS X - tablature editor
Guitar Pro - tablature editor
Guitar Pro Linux - tablature editor
Harmony Assistant - music composition and notation editing.
PDFtoMusic Pro music scanner
SmartScore Songbook Edition - Limit: 3 staves
SmartScore Piano Edition - Limits: 2 staves / no text or lyrics / no TAB or percussion.
SmartScore Guitar Edition - Limits: 1 staff / No text or lyrics / no TAB or percussion.
AudioScore - music to score and music notation
Score Perfect Education
Score Perfect Professional
Score Perfect Standard
PriMus - Musiknotationsprogramm
PriMus Classic - Musiknotationsprogramm
Dolet for Finale - MusicXML Plugin
Finale Songwriter music notation program
Dolet for Sibelius - MusicXML plugin
visiv SharpEye Music Reader
Lime Music Notation Software
Rosegarden - audio and MIDI sequencer, score editor
Muscript - language for typesetting music
NoteEdit - free music score editor for Linux
Django tablature editor and composer
PowerTab Tools
MagicScore Maestro - Music Notation Software for Musicians
MagicScore Classic - Music Notation Software for Musicians
QuickScore Elite - Music Composition and Notation Software
GVOX Encore - music notation software
Obtiv Octava - music notation software
Forte - a notational, sequencing and recording software package
JMSL - Java Music Specification Language
MaxScore – music notation in Max/MSP
hum2xml - Humdrum kern to MusicXML converter
Impro-Visor - music notation software
capella wave kit - wave manipulation and wave to MIDI conversion
Freedots - MusicXML to Braille music notation converter
TuxGuitar - A Multitrack tablature editor and player
Speech Analyzer
ProxyMusic - MusicXML Java Library
Audiveris Music Scanner
NightXML - Translates MusicXML (timewise or partwise) files into Nightingale Notelist files and back
nwc2xml - converts Noteworthy Composer's file into MusicXML
CapToMusic - capella to MusicXML converter
GOODFEEL Braille Music Translator
SCOREMAKER - music scanning and notation program
TablEdit - Tablatures editor and standard notation editor
BUZZle - modular music composing and sequencing tool
Virtual Composer
The MusicXML Library (libmusicxml, C++)
Vivaldi Scan - Music OCR Software
SipScore2XML - Score to MusicXML converter
nl2xml - notelist to MusicXML Converter
middle C software toolkit - optical music recognition
TaBazar - a notation program for fretted instruments (like guitar, bass, banjo or mandolin) and percussion
capella Media Producer: organize and convert music files
Midinotate Composer

My new eBook (in German)

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