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by Justus Noll, publishing house Addison-Wesley, Bonn (1994)(German).
explains good, comprehensive and platform independant all standard
variants of the MIDI format.
The following short part is a Windows specific implementation of a MIDI
recorder and player. Real programs on this topic are much better.
Very recommendable.
a book about MIDI is replaceable. The following books are unique and it's very hard to obtain the respective information in nanother way.
Editor Eleanor Selfridge-Field, published by MIT Press Cambridge and London (1997).
See also their page with updates und reviews.
Music notation is so compex that it's hard to define an exchange format that doesn't loose too much of the information. The most widespread format MIDI also is the least suited.
The most obvious idea ist to extend MIDI-Format for music notation. Many programers had this idea. Each did it differently and no MIDI extension prevailed The book discusses four MIDI extensions. Look at them before you make your own one.
Beyond MIDI continues with sound formats. I wouldn' buy the book only for the covered sound formats. This information is available elswhere, too.
The most complicated subject are codes for music notation and its exchange. This is the pointe where Beyond MIDI is unique in its completeness. See also where i point to the book on this page.
Codes for data management and analysis are also included.
The book closes with very interesting explanations which non obvious usecases have to be considered for new codes. This part closes with design rules. There is much experience in this design rules. Follow them, even if you are designing a non public code.
Many authors contributed full descriptions of codes, sometimes there is just meta-information. In the latter case you get enough hints to find the desired information elsewhere.
The bible for music programmers and a solid foundation for desicions for a specific code.
To my knowledge, there are three chapters available online:
This book is also known as Computing in Musicology 12.
The book covers three categories of standards used in music documentation:
standard numbers to identify documents and works, standard models to describe
musical documents, new standard formats of digital musical documents.
Sommario [Summary] Introduzione [Preface] 1. Gli standard e i documenti musicali [Standards and musical documents] 1.1. Standard e standardizzazione [Standards and Standardization] 1.2. Una teoria autonoma [An autonomous theory] 1.3. I documenti musicali [The musical documents] 2. I numeri [Numbers] 2.1. International standard book number ISBN 2.2. International standard serial number ISSN 2.3. International standard music number ISMN 2.4. International standard recording code ISRC 2.5. International standard audiovisual number ISAN 2.6. International standard musical work code ISWC 2.7. Altri codici identificativi che interessano la musica [Others codes which concern music] 3. I modelli [Models] 3.1. Modelli per la catalogazione [Models for cataloguing] 3.1.1. I libri di musica a stampa [Printed music] 3.1.2. I manoscritti musicali [Musical manuscripts] 3.1.3. I documenti sonori [Sound sources] 3.1.4. Functional requirement for bibliographic records (FRBR) 3.1.5. Metadata e documenti musicali [Metadata and musical documents] 3.2. International standard bibliographic description for printed music ISBD(PM) 3.3. International standard bibliographic description for nonbook materials ISBD(NBM) e le regole IASA [ISBD(NMB) and IASA rules] 3.4. International standard bibliographic description for electronic resources ISBD(ER) 4. I formati [Formats] 4.1. La musica che suona [Music that sounds] 4.1.1. I formati audio [Audio formats] 4.1.2. Il MIDI 4.1.3. MP3 e gli standard MPEG [MP3 and MPEG standards] 4.2. La musica che non suona [Music that doesn't sound] 4.2.1. SGML, XML e gli altri linguaggi di marcatura [SGML, XML and others mark-up languages] 4.2.2. Le codifiche della notazione [Codes for musical notation] 4.2.3. I formati di scambio delle registrazioni catalografiche [Interchange bibliographic formats] Appendice I Lista delle pubblicazioni in serie italiane che riguardano la musica e rispettivi codici ISSN Appendice II Lista delle abbreviazioni e degli acronimi ricorrenti che riguardano gli standard e i documenti musicali Bibliografia Indice analitico
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