The SCORE format

The SCORE format (.MUS) is the native format of the program SCORE (DOS), published by San Andreas Press. I don't know any online description, but there is a detailed description by Leland Smith in Chapter 19 of Beyond MIDI. The binary SCORE format bases on a single array of Float numbers. This format has a natural ascii representation: each of the numbers separated by a white space.

The actual version of SCORE is Release 4 , (December 1999). There is no official SCORE page by the publisher San Andreas Press, but there is a comprehensive SCORE page at Acadia University .

The programs or demo versions of them can be downloaded here .

Programs exporting The SCORE format:

SipSib - reads Sibelius EPS and writes Score format


SipSib - reads Sibelius EPS and writes Score format imports Sibelius EPS

SipXML - MusicXML to Score converter


SipXML - MusicXML to Score converter imports MusicXML

Humdrum to Score Bol Converter


Humdrum to Score Bol Converter imports bol

EDITSCOR - a conditional editor of Score files


EDITSCOR - a conditional editor of Score files imports SCORE

LJ - horizontal spacing system for use with Score


LJ - horizontal spacing system for use with Score imports SCORE

BEAM - a DOS box beam utility for SCORE


BEAM - a DOS box beam utility for SCORE imports SCORE

SCORE Music Publishing System

DOS and DOS Box in Windows

SCORE Music Publishing System imports SCORE

Programs eventually exporting The SCORE format:

PINYIN - Score utility


EDITSCOR - a conditional editor of Score files


Programs importing The SCORE format:

Finale music notation program

Windows, Macintosh OS X 10.4 or higher

Finale music notation program exports ETF, FinaleFormat, MusicXML

Sibelius - music notation software

Windows, Mac OS 8, Mac OS 9, Mac OS X

Sibelius - music notation software exports SibeliusFormat

SipScore2XML - Score to MusicXML converter


SipScore2XML - Score to MusicXML converter exports MusicXML

SCOREMID - Score to MIDI converter


EDITSCOR - a conditional editor of Score files


EDITSCOR - a conditional editor of Score files exports SCORE

LJ - horizontal spacing system for use with Score


LJ - horizontal spacing system for use with Score exports SCORE

BEAM - a DOS box beam utility for SCORE


BEAM - a DOS box beam utility for SCORE exports SCORE

SCORE Music Publishing System

DOS and DOS Box in Windows

SCORE Music Publishing System exports SCORE

Score Preview - a viewer for SCORE


Programs eventually importing The SCORE format:

PINYIN - Score utility


EDITSCOR - a conditional editor of Score files


Feedback (questions, suggestions, broken links): The SCORE format

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