Home / Music software / Finale Reader music notation program

Finale Reader music notation program

Info: Finale Reader

Finale software family

Platform: Windows, Macintosh OS X 10.4 or higher

Finale Reader music notation reader imports...

Finale Reader music notation reader imports Internal format of Finale (.mus)

Internal format of Finale (.mus) is written by

SmartScore Professional Edition - Precision music scanning & world-class scoring.
Finale music notation program
Finale Allegro music notation program
Finale PrintMusic music notation program
Finale NotePad music notation program
SmartScore Songbook Edition - Limit: 3 staves
SmartScore Piano Edition - Limits: 2 staves / no text or lyrics / no TAB or percussion.
SmartScore Guitar Edition - Limits: 1 staff / No text or lyrics / no TAB or percussion.
Finale Songwriter music notation program

Finale Reader music notation reader imports MusicXML (.mxl, .xml)

MusicXML (.mxl, .xml) is written by

Capella music notation software
Capella-scan: scan sheet music and text
SmartScore Professional Edition - Precision music scanning & world-class scoring.
PhotoScore Ultimate Music Scanning
Finale music notation program
Finale Allegro music notation program
Finale PrintMusic music notation program
Finale NotePad music notation program
Notation Composer - music notation software
Progression - Music Software for Guitar
Notion - Music Notation Software
Guitar Pro OS X - tablature editor
Guitar Pro - tablature editor
Guitar Pro Linux - tablature editor
Harmony Assistant - music composition and notation editing.
PDFtoMusic Pro music scanner
SmartScore Songbook Edition - Limit: 3 staves
SmartScore Piano Edition - Limits: 2 staves / no text or lyrics / no TAB or percussion.
SmartScore Guitar Edition - Limits: 1 staff / No text or lyrics / no TAB or percussion.
AudioScore - music to score and music notation
Score Perfect Education
Score Perfect Professional
Score Perfect Standard
PriMus - Musiknotationsprogramm
PriMus Classic - Musiknotationsprogramm
Dolet for Finale - MusicXML Plugin
Finale Songwriter music notation program
Dolet for Sibelius - MusicXML plugin
visiv SharpEye Music Reader
Lime Music Notation Software
Rosegarden - audio and MIDI sequencer, score editor
Muscript - language for typesetting music
NoteEdit - free music score editor for Linux
Django tablature editor and composer
PowerTab Tools
MagicScore Maestro - Music Notation Software for Musicians
MagicScore Classic - Music Notation Software for Musicians
QuickScore Elite - Music Composition and Notation Software
GVOX Encore - music notation software
Obtiv Octava - music notation software
Forte - a notational, sequencing and recording software package
JMSL - Java Music Specification Language
MaxScore – music notation in Max/MSP
hum2xml - Humdrum kern to MusicXML converter
Impro-Visor - music notation software
capella wave kit - wave manipulation and wave to MIDI conversion
Freedots - MusicXML to Braille music notation converter
TuxGuitar - A Multitrack tablature editor and player
Speech Analyzer
ProxyMusic - MusicXML Java Library
Audiveris Music Scanner
NightXML - Translates MusicXML (timewise or partwise) files into Nightingale Notelist files and back
nwc2xml - converts Noteworthy Composer's file into MusicXML
CapToMusic - capella to MusicXML converter
GOODFEEL Braille Music Translator
SCOREMAKER - music scanning and notation program
TablEdit - Tablatures editor and standard notation editor
BUZZle - modular music composing and sequencing tool
Virtual Composer
The MusicXML Library (libmusicxml, C++)
Vivaldi Scan - Music OCR Software
SipScore2XML - Score to MusicXML converter
nl2xml - notelist to MusicXML Converter
middle C software toolkit - optical music recognition
TaBazar - a notation program for fretted instruments (like guitar, bass, banjo or mandolin) and percussion
capella Media Producer: organize and convert music files
Midinotate Composer

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